His Holiness Shri Aasaanji is a World Renowned, Non-Religious, Contemporary Spiritual Teacher and a Self-Realised Living Enlightened Master of Inner-Science & Ancient Healing. Founder of the Atmayoga Foundation, an Institute for Inner-Science and Self-Transformation, Guruji is globally known as a Humanitarian spreading global peace through inner-peace.

Shri Aasaanji‘s life changing teachings and techniques are non-religious, scientific and contemporary. They are designed to instantly free a person of all misguiding belief systems, negativity and conditioned habits that limit one from achieving success and from enjoying life to its fullest. For over a Decade, Millions of people across the globe have Experienced Miracles through his Divine Presence & Powerful Teachings.

Atmayoga foundation is an Institute for “Inner- Science & Self-Transformation” founded by Atmayogi Shri Aasaanji.

Atmayoga Foundation has transformed and is transforming the life of countless people from all walks of life in to more successful human beings with an everlasting real health & happiness by the most powerful, Scientific & effective Life – transforming energy secrets (Prana-Vritti) , Unique Energy meditation & Inner transformation techniques (atma-dhyana) conceived & guided by our Life-Transforming Guru & Contemporary spiritual teacher Atmayogi Shri AasaanJi to experience holistic abundance in every aspects of life.

Create a Life your (Really) Want to Live !!
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